Monday, March 16, 2009

march madness

You knew it had to happen. Spring is just around the corner and behind that Easter. So here to welcome in another season of life is the inflatable 10-foot tall chick-rabbit.

Forget for a moment that bunnies don't lay eggs, nor have wings and that chicks don't have large, floppy ears. The fact that chicks aren't sexually mature enough to lay eggs, and when they (chickens) are capable, they rarely lay eggs a third the size of their body, seems trivial. Instead, think of it like this. If folks are still spending money on such frivolities, there's hope yet that we can still rely on rebuilding our economy through mindless consumerism.


Anonymous said...

What came first the rabbit or the egg?

I asked Jesus and he said that you are all going to hell in an handbasket. Plus: Hell and purgatory for everyone who wears green tomorrow! Why can't amerika leave us sincere jesus people out of all this commercial bullshit and turn all this silliness into a western hindi holiday. Fucking Shiva H. Bodhisattva, go mock the Dalia Lama's beliefs. Krishna fucking damn! And please take the savage and drunk Irish self-loathers with you.

Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. said...

I guess the cross-dressing chick has a few fans.

Anonymous said...

Appears some one is devoted to the creed of screed. Chappy

Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. said...

I'm certainly no expert but believe that if Jesus were alive today, he'd totally dig cross-dressing chicks.